How to go global with your startup

German Accelerator and Starthaus Bremen & Bremerhaven


Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2022, 17:00 Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr

kostenlos / free of charge

German Accelerator

Standort der Veranstaltung:

• Lena Esseln, Startup Scout & Advisor at German Accelerator
After 3 years of building innovative ventures for Hidden Champions and consulting corporates on New Business projects, Lena joined German Entrepreneurship in 2021. Here she is part of the scouting team at German Accelerator and advises startups on their internationalization plans.

How to go global with your startup? When in doubt, ask a scout: Startup Scout Lena Esseln from German Accelerator can answer your questions on internationalization and explain how your business can profit from early preparation when it comes to expansion. With exclusive insights from German Accelerator’s program you will have a look at necessary skills and tools to build an internationally successful and scalable company.

After the events we offer you on 27.06., 28.06. and 29.06. the opportunity to deepen your specific topics in a 1:1 conversation with the scouts of the German Accelerator and the Starthaus Bremen & Bremerhaven and to ask questions to go global with your startup.

We will inform you about the slots for the one-on-one talks at this event.

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