Equity capital

Do you have ambitious plans and want to make a difference with your start-up or young company? Do you need capital for this?

Together with BAB – the funding bank for Bremen und Bremerhaven, we offer you capital for the further development of your start-up or young company. We see ourselves as a local investor that not only supports founders with financial resources, but also offers added value thanks to our broad network in the state of Bremen. We are also a long-term and reliable partner when it comes to operational and strategic issues.

Who can receive funding?

We invest in all sectors:

  • Technology-orientated and/or innovative companies (SME status as defined by the EU Commission) with
  • registered office or business premises in the state of Bremen and a
  • plausible, sustainable concept and closed overall financing

What can be funded?

Personnel costs as well as investments and operating resources in connection with

  • Market launch,
  • realisation of a next development step,
  • company growth,
  • strengthening the innovative capacity,
  • development or expansion of business areas and/or
  • product development.

How can funding be provided?

In principle, we offer both open and typical silent partnerships. We are happy to invest as a co-investor ("pari-passu", i.e. "on an equal footing and without preferential treatment") alongside business angels, strategic investors or other early-stage funds. As a rule, we invest up to 800,000 euros per start-up or young company in the seed and Series A phase. In the rare case that we invest alone, the maximum limit is 300,000 euros due to state aid restrictions.

Special features of open participation:

  • Only minority shareholdings
  • Exit intention from the 7th year onwards
  • Usually no lead investor

Special features of a typical silent partnership:

  • Quarterly fixed remuneration
  • Profit-related remuneration plus an ongoing fixed management fee
  • Term of up to 10 years
  • Repayment is made in one lump sum at the end of the term

Where do the funds come from?

BBM (BAB Beteiligungs- und Managementgesellschaft Bremen mbH) is a wholly owned subsidiary of BAB - the funding bank for Bremen and Bremerhaven.

We invest the money from two active funds:

  • EFRE-Beteiligungsfonds Bremen II
    40 per cent of the capital from the "EFRE-Beteiligungsfonds Bremen" is co-financed by the EU. The funds come from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
  • Bremen Participation Fund
    The funds from the "Beteiligungsfonds Bremen (BFB)" are public funds that are allocated on a subsidiary basis under economic aspects for projects in the interests of the state of Bremen.

How does the process work?

  1. The first step is to send us an email, give us a call or talk to us at one of the various events.
  2. In the next step, we would like to get to know you in a personal or digital meeting. It is best to provide us with a pitch deck or business plan before this appointment.
  3. In the further process, we will hold several meetings in which we will ask more detailed questions and examine a potential investment on this basis. This also includes analysing a wide range of documents. Or we can remain in regular dialogue if an investment is not possible at the current time. Depending on your needs, we can also offer you access to our internal and external network.
  4. In the final step, you would submit an application and we would present a potential investment to our investment committee for a decision.
  5. If the committee votes in favour, the next step is to draw up a joint contract with the aim of entering into the investment.

Where do I apply for the funds?

The funds can be applied for at

BAB Beteiligungs– und Managementgesellschaft Bremen mbH
Domshof 14/15
28195 Bremen
Telefon +49 (0) 421 9600-372

Please contact us if you are interested in the investment fund. We will be happy to advise you and provide you with further information and links for applying for the funds.
