Social Mission Possible
Starthaus Crowdfunding
Do you want to change something? Do you want your project to have a sustainable impact? Then start your mission for a social and sustainable future with Starthaus Crowdfunding. With our matching campaign Social Mission Possible, we invite you to launch your projects with which you want to make a social difference and create solutions for social problems.
Who can participate?
The Social Mission Possible matching campaign focuses on small social enterprises, start-up projects and projects from Bremen and Bremerhaven that have their main focus in the area of social entrepreneurship.
The main topics can be education, sustainability, environment, health, climate, integration, society, agriculture or culture. Your idea should solve a social problem, be socially innovative and not primarily profit-oriented.

How can you participate?
Interested people can simply apply with their idea for the Social Mission Possible matching campaign from 22 February 2021. You will take part in one of our Starthaus Crowdfunding workshops and then receive one-to-one coaching on your idea. After that, the crowd funding will start via our Starthaus Crowdfunding page on Startnext.
How do we support you?
Project starters who are part of the Social Mission Possible matching campaign receive an additional bonus from Starthaus Bremen and Bremerhaven and the Senator for Economics, Labour and Europe.
Each project will receive a 50% bonus on top of every euro contributed by the crowd, up to a maximum of 3,000 euros.
Example: If the crowd supports a project with 2,500 euros, the project starter will receive an additional 1,250 euros.
What is the "all or nothing principle"?
All or nothing: this is the principle according to which the Starthaus Crowdfunding works, also for this matching campaign. This means that if you don't reach your funding amount, the project is not successful and you don't get a euro. Those who successfully fund their project, i.e. reach their target funding amount, receive the entire sum and can start implementing their project.
Is there a minimum funding target?
Yes, that is 2,500 euros.