Creating clear structures
Simple guides to get you there
Have you got lots of ideas in your head? And new ones every day? Then you need a bit of clarity! Our tools help you to put your thoughts into some kind of structure and to draw up a clear plan.
Do you want to structure your start-up idea to start with? Use the Business Model Canvas. This shows you straight away which components your business model needs.
Your start-up project is on a firm footing and you want to proceed with a comprehensible plan? For yourself or to obtain funding from the bank? Use our key questions for thorough preparation of your business plan. The structured description of contents, comprehensive finance planning and controlling will help you and us as well, to put your project under the microscope and detect any weaknesses.
Any questions? We will be glad to help.

Spannendes Gründungswissen für euren Erfolg
We often read headlines about the quick and great successes of start-ups in the media. But many of them have to give up their business again - some before they become big, others in the course of the first years. We introduce the most common reasons for the failure of start-ups and present possible solutions.
To the fails and tips